Effect Size Generator - Version 5 (Current Version)
Huge upgrade Effect Size Generator - Version 3.5 (Current Version)
Major upgrade which now includes meta-analysis capabilities and allows for
negative effect sizes. Other additions: allows for saving when exiting
programme; warns when overwriting a file name; fixed bug whereby notepad wasn't
found on some systems. Build 010 streamlined the code and fixed a confusion with
the a priori power analysis tab (as of 3rd April, 2006). Build 019
remembers last accessed directory from the 'open' command, provides a 'most
recent used' files list under the 'File' menu, saves effect sizes for between
conditions over time into the effect size generator front page as 'change
scores'. Also incorporates confidence intervals around a mean analysis, chi
square analysis (2x2, 2x3, 3x3), and allows for interaction effect size
computation. Build 3.5.3 allows for many more effect size conversions. Effect Size Generator - Version 3.2
This version has some minor
corrections, extra analyses and a huge help file on effect sizes. It allows one
to select which sd to use in the analyses, computes all confidence intervals and
allows one to convert different effect sizes (e.g., One way ANOVA F value to
Cohen's d). Effect Size Generator - Version 2.3
Cleaner code & colour coded text boxes - this will be the last version until a
full point release. Effect Size Generator -
Version 2.2
Database redesigned and starting set-up improved. Now saves files as "*.esg" and
registers esg file extensions to the programme. Once a file has been saved it
can even be opened by a double-click (thanks to
Daniel Trembath for an incredibly quick
turn-around explanation of how to pass the global variable 'command' onto an
'open' function following a double-click - and he contracts out too!). Effect Size Generator -
Version 2.1
Now Includes t-statistics; can print to any printer and minor cosmetic changes
Effect Size Generator - Version 2.0
Great big spanking new version. Big changes! You can now save files, open saved files and generate a printed one
page summary report to keep in your records. You can now even save and email
your own study details to a colleague!! Effect Size Generator -
Version 1.2
Buffer overflow bug fixed (can now have a total sample size greater than 32,000) Effect Size Generator -
Version 1.1
Answers rounded to 5 decimal points to avoid
the confusion of numbers such as "5.286539E-2". Effect Size
Generator - Version 1.0
Odds Ratio Generator - Version 3.5
This release allows for two group (improved vs unimproved) or 3 group (improved,
no change, deteriorated) comparisons. Other additions: allows for saving when
exiting programme; warns when overwriting a file name. Build 010 - Added Chi
Squared analysis, Phi and Cramer's Phi statistics. Build 019 remembers last
accessed directory from the 'open' command, provides a 'most recent used' files
list under the 'File' menu, allows both 2x2 and 2x3 open / save commands without
error reports. Build 3.5.3 allows for effect size estimates (w and phi) and
opens, close and saves files depending upon number of cells.
Reliable Change Generator - Version 3.5 (Current Version)
Major overhaul. Redundancies removed, cleaner interface, check for
non-intersecting curves. Other additions: allows for saving when exiting
programme; warns when overwriting a file name; fixed bug whereby notepad wasn't
found on some systems. Build 019 remembers last accessed directory from the
'open' command, provides a 'most recent used' files list under the 'File' menu.
Reliable Change Generator - Version 2.0
Great big spanking new version. Big changes! You can now save files, open saved files and generate a printed one
page summary report to keep in your records. You can now even save and email
your own study details to a colleague!!
Reliable Change Generator - Version 1.3
Results rounded to 5 decimal places so as to not confuse the user with numbers
such as "5.286539E-2")
Reliable Change Generator - Version 1.2
Redesigned so that it now works on low screen resolution and various bug fixes.
Reliable Change Generator - Version 1.1
version was a bit buggy, particularly on Win 98 - I advise you to get the
latest version if you still have this one.
Reliable Change Generator - Version 1.0.1
Reliable Change Generator - Version 1.0.0
Random Number Generator - Version 1.0
Allows for saving when exiting programme; warns when overwriting a file name;
fixed bug whereby notepad wasn't found on some systems; provides feedback to
user regarding status of computations; warns if more that 32676 random numbers
are requested. Build 019 fixes overflow bug.